Top Health Benefits of Cranberry Juice

Top Health Benefits of Cranberry Juice to Stay Healthy

There are many types of juices that you can choose to enjoy, but cranberry juice offers more health benefits than just a way to remove the thirst. There many health benefits of cranberry juice. One of the top health benefits of using Cranberry juice is that it can help effectively to prevent infections. It can delay or lesser the severity of many chronic type disease and prevent age related damage to the body. For many people who are healthy, cranberry juice is considered safe, but it can interact with some type of drugs.

Cranberry juice can make conditions temporarily like acid reflux, can make it worse because it is slightly acidic. Also, some people feels & reported that cranberry juice can have unusual or bitter taste in their mouth, or it can irritate your gums or lips but temporarily.

Studies & research about the top health benefits of cranberry juice is mostly new, but the antioxidant health benefits & antibacterial health benefits look very much impressive and promising. Many people can include cranberry juice safely in their daily diets & they can add a serving of fruit in their diet with that.

Health Benefits of Cranberry Juice

Some top health benefits of cranberry juice include:

Fighting damage related to Age

top health benefits of cranberry juice damage related to Age

Cranberry juice can help in fight with age-related damage. Many chemicals like free radicals can accumulate / gather in the body with the time as people age. Free radicals or chemicals can also cause oxidative damage. There is a link or attachment between oxidative damage with the health issues include:

  • Diabetes
  • cancer
  • disease of heart
  • digestive health
  • urinary tract wellness

Cranberry juice contains some chemicals that are antioxidants or type of compounds that fight and eradicate harmful free radicals. Having antioxidants means that cranberries & cranberry juice can help in fight against age-related damage to the tissues of the body.

A study found that chemicals that are found in cranberries can promote better activity of the antioxidant. Also, studies found that the berries were significantly extra powerful antioxidants than cranberry juice. Although, cranberry juice still offered some top health benefits.

Improving Heart Health-Health Benefits of Cranberry

Heart Health cranberry juice health benefits

Many ingredients available in cranberry juice can improve health of heart. Also, cranberries contain chemicals called polyphenols that can support heart related health. A study & research conducted on females who has metabolic syndrome found that this cranberry or its juice increased the level of presence of antioxidants in the plasma of blood. Many people who enjoy & use cranberry juice can also had low levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), that LDL is also known & famous as one of the “bad” types & kind of cholesterol.

Another finding suggests that cranberry juice can improve health in people who are suffering from coronary artery disease which means carotid-femoral artery pulse wave velocity. It is a way to measure & check the stiffness of arteries, which was reduced among the people who were part of the experiment & who drank a preparation made in laboratory of cranberry juice which was double in strength.

Treating the UTI, Urinary Tract Infection

treating Urinary Tract Infection with cranberry juice health benefits iveals

The antibacterial & health effects of cranberry juice were reported to reduce & decrease the incidence & frequency of urinary tract infection in mice. It is due to the ability of antibacterial properties & benefits to reduce the colonization & effects of Escherichia coli in the bladder. It is actually bacteria that is known as E. coli, and main cause of most UTIs.

Support for digestive health

digestive health

There is also a growing evidence available about it that the phytochemicals available in cranberry can have an important role in the health of digestive system.

Preventing infections-Health Benefits of Cranberry

Preventing infections with cranberry juice

Another study suggest that cranberry juice can inhibit the growth of bacterial microbes. Also, some of the chemicals in cranberries can help in fight with viruses & bacteria.

Similarly, another study & research found that cranberry juice can effectively fight with some type of viruses, including norovirus. This is a main cause of food-borne disease & illness.

Support for post-menopausal health

post-menopausal health

Researchers in a research & study found that daily consumption & use of this cranberry juice can reduce total level of cholesterol, so it suggests that cranberry & its products can be very useful as supplements for diet after the menopause.

Side effects

side effects of cranberry juice

It is also found that cranberry juice can interact with some certain medications. One of the concerns and worries are that cranberries & its juice may intensify & increase the effects of a blood thinner known as warfarin.

However, studies on other drugs are less consistent. However, Primary research suggests the possibility of interactions & effects between cranberries and:

  • diclofenac
  • cyclosporine
  • flurbiprofen
  • midazolam
  • amoxicillin
  • ceflacor
  • tizanidine

People who are using these or any other medications must consult with a doctor before using this cranberry juice. Also, it is very important to check & monitor the doses / use & its effects on different medications rather than avoiding or not using this cranberry juice completely.


For many people, cranberry juice is safe and has several top health benefits. Parents who want to include cranberry juice to the diet of their children should only do in small quantities. Also, should not give other juices to the kids.

People must select & use its varieties / types that are not made from concentrate & has no sugar to get the most benefits of cranberry juice. However, you can can make fresh cranberry smoothies at home just put cranberries in a blender & add other ingredients. Also, adding a sweet fruit to it like an orange, can help in to taste sweeter. Don’t forget to talk to a doctor first before using it with other medications & changes in diet.

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