Health Benefits of Vitamin C – Symptoms & Foods for Deficiency

Vitamin C – Health Benefits, Symptoms & Foods for Deficiency

Vitamin C, commonly known as ascorbic acid, is a necessary vitamin with several health advantages. Furthermore, because our bodies cannot synthesize this water-soluble vitamin, it must be received from food sources or supplementation. This vitamin found in several healthy fruits and vegetables. You can consider for eating fruits and vegetables like oranges, citrus fruits, kiwis, strawberries, broccoli and red peppers.

In this article by iveals, we will explore the health benefits of vitamin C, Symptoms and why you need it for optimal health.

Health Benefits of Vitamin C:

Boosts Immune System

iveals vitamin C immune system boosts

One of its key advantages of vitamin C is the capacity to enhance the immune system. This vitamin increases the synthesis of white blood cells, which are necessary for battling infections and disorders. Vitamin C also enhances the skin’s barrier function, which can help prevent harmful bacteria and viruses from entering the body.

Reduces Risk of Chronic Diseases

reduce risk of chronic diseases

Vitamin C is a very powerful antioxidant. Chronic illnesses can be reduced by vitamin C. Cancer, heart disease and diabetes are all preventable diseases. Antioxidants also protect and safeguard the cells from the effects of free radicals. Free Radical can lead to chronic inflammation and oxidative stress. Furthermore, vitamin C reduces blood pressure. Also, it lowers cholesterol levels, which are both heart disease risk factors.

Vitamin C Improves Iron Absorption

vitamin C Improves Iron Absorption

Vitamin C also improves iron absorption from plant-based diets. Iron is a very important and crucial mineral for the production of red blood cells. However, iron from diets based on plants is absorbed less than iron from animal sources. Vitamin C can improve plant-based utilization of iron, making it easier for the body to utilize.

May Reduce the Risk of Cognitive Decline

May Reduce the Risk of Cognitive Decline

According to research, as we age, the risk of cognitive decline increased, vitamin C could help to minimize it. Also, people who has greater vitamin C levels in their blood, have a less chance of getting dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. However, it is required to corroborate these findings with more study.

Improves Skin Health

Vitamin C Improves Skin Health iveals

In the production of collagen, vitamin C plays a crucial role. Collagen is a protein that helps to keep skin healthy and youthful. It helps to glow, maintain and improve the elasticity and firmness of the skin. This collagen also helps to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. Also, C vitamin can reduce the risk of skin damage which mainly caused by sun exposure.

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Supports Eye Health

Eye Health iveals com

Risk of age related macular degeneration called AMD, can be reduced with the help this vitamin. It is a prevalent eye condition that can result in blindness. Its supplementation has been demonstrated in studies to lessen the likelihood of acquiring AMD and to delay the course of the illness in persons who already have it.

Reduces Inflammation

Reduces Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is a role in many chronic illnesses. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. That can help to reduce inflammation in the parts of body. Vitamin C can reduce the risk of developing chronic ailments. These include heart disease, diabetes and cancer by reducing inflammation.

Boosts Brain Function

Boosts Brain Function

Brain function can be improved with the help of it. It can also prevent cognitive decline which is connected to age. According to a study, people with greater levels of it have superior cognitive abilities. Also, they are less likely to get dementia.

Vitamin C Deficiency Symptoms

Some common and important symptoms of deficiency of vitamin C are given below:

Fatigue-Vitamin C Deficiency

Its deficiency leads to feelings of extreme tiredness along with weakness.

Weak immune system

It is extremely important in immune system function. A vitamin C shortage might raise the risk of infections and diseases.

Slow wound healing

It is required for the formation of collagen protein. It is a protein that aids in wound healing. A deficiency in it can lead to slow wound healing and the development of ulcers.

Dry skin

It is necessary for improvement and making of healthy skin cells. A deficiency in it can lead to dry, rough, and scaly skin.

Bleeding gums

It is essential for maintaining healthy gums. A deficiency in it can lead to bleeding gums and tooth loss.

Joint pain-Vitamin C

As mentioned earlier, it is important for the production of a protein that is called collagen. It is a protein that helps to cushion and support the joints. A deficiency in it can lead to joint pain and stiffness.

Mood changes

It is required for the creation of neurotransmitters. One of them is serotonin. This vitamin is crucial important for the regulation and positivity of mood. A lack of it might cause emotions of despair and worry.

If you have any of these signs or symptoms, for proper checkup, you must consult with a good medical professional. A simple blood test can identify if you are low in vitamin C. If you are deficient, your healthcare provider can recommend changes in diet or vitamin C supplements to help correct the deficiency.

Best Foods High in Vitamin C

Citrus Fruits

Citrus Fruits

Oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes are all rich in C vitamin. It contains roughly 70mg in one orange of medium size, which is more than the daily recommended consumption for most persons.

Red and Yellow Bell Peppers

Red and Yellow Bell Peppers

One small to medium-sized bell pepper has around 150 milligram of C vitamin. It is more than double the daily recommended dose for most of the people. Other minerals which are important can be found in bell peppers are vitamin A, vitamin K and potassium.

Broccoli-Vitamin C


A single cup of cooked broccoli has 81 mg, which is more than the daily recommended dose for most persons. Broccoli is also packed with fiber, vitamin K and potassium.

Kiwi-Vitamin C


A single medium-sized kiwi has around 70 milligram of Vitamin C. It is more than the daily recommended dose for most persons. Kiwis are also a good source of fiber, potassium, and vitamin E.



One cup of strawberries contains approximately 85 mg, which is more than the daily recommended intake for most adults. Strawberries are also a good source of fiber, folate, and potassium.

Papaya-Vitamin C


One medium-sized papaya contains approximately 95 mg It is more than the daily recommended intake for most adults. Papayas are also a good source of fiber, folate and potassium.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts vitamin c

A single serving of cooked Brussels sprouts has 75 mg, which is more than the daily recommended amount for most persons. In addition, brussels sprouts are fully packed and rich with K vitamin, fiber, and folate.

Pineapple-Vitamin C

Pineapple vitamin c

One cup of fresh pineapple chunks has about 80 mg, which is more than the daily recommended allowance for most persons. Pineapples are also high in fiber and manganese.


Cantaloupe vitamin c

One cup of cubed cantaloupe has 67 mg. It is more than the daily recommended dose for most persons. Cantaloupes are also full of vitamin A and potassium.

Tomatoes-Vitamin C

Tomatoes vitamin c

A medium-sized tomato has around 24 milligram. SO, it is roughly one-third of the daily recommended consumption for most individuals. Tomatoes additionally contain vitamin A, potassium, and lycopene.


To summarize, it is a vital vitamin with several positive health effects. From boosting immunity and protecting against chronic disease to improving skin health and supporting brain function, it plays a crucial role in overall health and wellness.

Important Note: If you have any medical condition or illness, must consult a doctor first. Best wishes.

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