Aging and Health Staying Healthy as You Get Older iveals

Aging and Health: Staying Healthy as You Get Older

Aging and Health: As we age, it’s natural for our bodies to go through changes. However, there are several ways / steps that we can take to maintain our health & stay active as we get older. In this article by iveals, we’ll share tips for aging gracefully and staying healthy.

As we get older & by the passage of time, our bodies go through so many changes. We may experience a decline in the mass of muscle, bone density & flexibility. Our metabolism slows down, & we may be more prone to many problems and chronic diseases. However, there are precautionary measures / steps that we can take to stay healthy & active as we age.

Exercise regularly

Aging and Health exercise iveals

Regular exercise & workout is the best things that we can do for the sake of our health, as we age & grow older. Exercise / workout helps to maintain mass of muscle & density of bone. It improves cardiovascular health, & can even reduce the risk of dementia. Aim for at least 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise / workout most days of the week, it includes brisk walking, swimming or cycling.

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Eat a healthy diet

Healthy diet for aging

A healthy & nutritious diet is also important for aging well. As we get older, our bodies require fewer calories, but we still need / require a variety of nutrients or vitamins to stay fit & healthy. Focus on eating plenty of healthy fruits / vegetables, whole grains, lean protein & healthy fats. Limit the intake of processed & unhealthy foods, sugar, & saturated fats. check our article on Healthy Food for Your Health, Fitness and Beauty

Get enough sleep-Aging and Health

Sleep for health aging

At any age, getting enough sleep is very important & crucial for good health. It becomes even more important & vital as we get older. Aim for 7 / 9 hours of sleep each night & try to establish a consistent schedule of sleep. If you have trouble / problems in sleeping, talk to your doctor about strategies to improve your habits of sleep. Read our article on Sleep Meditation Guide: Simple Steps

Stay socially active

elderly socially active

As we age, maintaining social connections is important & crucial for our mental & emotional health. Stay connected with friends & family, join clubs / groups that interest you, & volunteer in your community.

Manage chronic conditions-Aging and Health

elderly chronic conditions

Chronic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure & arthritis become more common as we get old. Work with your doctor to manage these conditions and take any prescribed medications as directed. Make healthy lifestyle routine / choices to help manage these conditions, such as eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and managing stress.


Aging is a natural part of life, but there are ways & methods that we can adapt to stay fit / healthy & active as we get older. Regular exercise / workout, a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, staying active socially, & managing chronic conditions are all important for aging gracefully. By taking care of our bodies / minds, we can enjoy a happy & healthy life at any age.

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