Mindful Eating Meditation to Improve Relationship with Food

Mindful Eating & Meditation to Improve Relationship with Food

Mindful eating & meditation is a practice or training that includes paying attention to the present moment while eating, & without any judgment or distraction. This practice of eating can help to improve your relationship with food, reduce overeating & promote overall well being. So, in this article by iveals, we’ll explore how meditation can be used as a tool for practicing this habit.

What is Mindful Eating?

What is mindful eating iveals

It involves being fully present and aware while eating, without distractions like phones or TV. It means paying attention to the sensory experiences of food, like its smell, taste, and texture, as well as your own hunger and fullness cues.

How Meditation Can Help with Mindful Eating:

It is a powerful tool / option for cultivating mindfulness & can be used to support mindful eating practices in so many ways:

Increase in Awareness:

increase in awareness by mindful eating

Meditation can help you become more aware of your own thoughts, emotions & physical sensations / feelings, that can help you tune in to your body’s hunger & fullness cues.

Reduced Distractions:

focus increased for success

Meditation can help reduce distractions and promote a sense of focus and calm, which can support more good food habits.

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Improved Self Regulation:

Self Regulation

It can help to improve your ability to regulate the emotions & impulses, that can help to prevent overeating / unhealthy eating habits.

Tips for Mindful Eating with Meditation:

We have few tips, given below for using meditation to support the practice of mindful eating:

  • Set aside dedicated time for meals without distractions like phones or TV.
  • Take a few deep breaths before eating to ground yourself and bring your attention to the present moment.
  • Pay attention to the sensory experiences of your food, like its taste, smell, and texture.
  • Check in with your body throughout the meal to assess your level of hunger and fullness.
  • Use a guided meditation or visualization to support your mindful eating practice.

Possible Downsides

  • Mindful eating is not mainly to replace traditional / old style treatments for severe clinical & medical conditions like many eating disorders. Neurochemical imbalances / differences are main risk factors for developing eating disorders or ailments like bulimia & anorexia nervosa. Although, mindfulness meditation can be an effective / important part of a treatment plan, but it should not be considered / used as a single treatment.
  • Mindful eating may not be effective & operative as strategy for weight loss, but rather a complement / match to a weight loss program. Mindful eating holds making food choices that increase & improve over all well being & increase enjoyment of experience of eating. Traditional & old weight loss routines mainly focus on following an organized meal plan that may not be satisfying or enjoyable necessarily. Combining mindfulness with a proper meal plan under the guidance of a registered dietitian can reduce the risk of emotional overeating / binge eating.


So, it is a powerful tool for promoting a healthy relationship with food & meditation can be used to support and deepen this practice of mindful eating. Also, by increasing your awareness, reducing distractions, & improving your self-regulation, meditation can help you tune in to your body’s needs and cultivate a more mindful approach to mindful eating. With practice, mindful eating can become a natural & intuitive habit, promoting better physical and emotional well being.

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