Science of Meditation Benefits of Yoga Research Findings

Science of Meditation – Benefits of Yoga: Research Findings

Meditation & Yoga is a practice / exercise that have been around for so many years. However, in recent years, science has begun to take a closer & research into its benefits / effects on the brain & body. As a result, there is an explosion of info in science of meditation & now we have a growing collection of evidence that suggests meditation / yoga can have a significant & positive impact on the health & well being. In this article by (I.T-Dr.), we’ll explore Science of Meditation and some of the most interesting research findings on the science of meditation.

Physical Benefits of Meditation:

A research has shown & proved that meditation can have so many physical benefits, these include:

Reduced Inflammation:-Science of Meditation

Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation is mainly linked to some chronic conditions of health,. These include heart disease, diabetes and arthritis etc.. Studies have found & proved that meditation can help to reduce inflammation in the body.

Lowered Blood Pressure:

Lowers Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a risk factor / danger for heart disease, stroke and other health issues. According to a research on science of meditation, it can also help to lower blood pressure / anxiety, especially in people who has issue of hypertension.

Improved Immune Function:

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The immune system plays a very crucial & critical role in protecting the whole body from illness & disease. Some studies / research have shown that meditation can help to improve functions of immune system by increasing the activity of natural killer cells. These can help to fight off viruses & cancer cells.

Mental Benefits of Meditation:

Meditation has also been shown to have many mental benefits that includes:

Reduced Anxiety & Depression:

Reducing Stress and Anxiety benefits of meditation iveals

Anxiety & depression are common mental health disorders. These problems can have a significant negative impact / effects on the quality of life. So, meditation can help to reduce symptoms of anxiety & depression.

Improved Attention & Focus:

focus increased for success

Attention / focus are important cognitive abilities that help us to stay on task & get things done. Meditation can help to improve attention & focus so you can work with full flow.

Increased Emotional Regulation:

Improved Emotional Regulation by meditation

Emotions & feelings are very important and crucial part of our lives. They can also be challenging / hard to manage at the same time. Meditation can help to improve emotional regulation / feelings by allowing us to respond more effectively to stress & other challenges.

The Science of Meditation:

Changes in Brain & Neuroplasticity:

Changes in Brain & Neuroplasticity

One of the most interesting / amazing areas of the science of meditation that it has focused on the changes that occur in the brain. It is due to the regular practice of meditation. So, meditation can lead to changes in brain activity and structure, including:

Increased Gray Matter:-Science of Meditation

increased gray matter in brain Science of Meditation

Gray matter is the part of brain, that is responsible for processing information & making decisions. Moreover, regular practice of meditation can lead to increase in volume of gray matter, especially in areas of the brain that involved in attention, memory / emotional regulation.

Enhanced Connectivity:-Science of Meditation

Enhanced Connectivity in brain

The brain is actually a complex network / group of neurons that are interconnected. Also, meditation can enhance / improve connectivity between different areas of the brain, which can improve cognitive function & emotional regulation.

Reduced Activity in the Default Mode Network:

Reduced Activity in the Default Mode Network of brain Science of Meditation

The default mode network (D.M.N) is a group of brain regions / parts that are active when we are not focused or concentrating on a specific task. Meditation can reduce activity in this network, which is associated with wandering of mind and self referential thinking.


So, the science of meditation is a rapidly growing field. Also, research findings suggest that regular practice of meditation can have significant physical & mental health benefits. From reducing inflammation and lowering blood pressure to improving attention and emotional regulation, meditation appears to have a wide range of positive effects on our well-being.

The changes that occur in the brain in result of regular practice of meditation are also fascinating & amazing, meditation can lead to increased gray matter volume, enhanced connectivity and reduced activity in the default mode network. So, as the research & findings in this area of science continues to evolve, it’s clear that meditation is a practice that has so much to offer in terms of promoting / enhancing health, well-being and cognitive function.

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