Morning Meditation Guide | Types, Tips & Benefits

Morning Meditation Guide | Types, Tips & Benefits

Do you feeling fatigued, unmotivated or depressed when wake up? Then you need to get into morning meditation for a bright start of your day. If you have doubts about the power of daily morning meditation, then you’re not alone, we have a morning meditation guide. At the beginning, you may feel a bit hesitant to start morning meditation with guided instructions because you may find the whole concept & method of morning meditating too daunting. Maybe you lack the time to invest in a practice of morning meditation. Maybe you feel that you’re not good at it.

So, let’s break down these barriers to your morning meditation & lay out all the benefits you get in result. Lastly, learn & get some basic techniques for morning meditations to add to your everyday routine life & some simple tips to follow for meditations to make a positive change & difference in life.

Getting Energy for Body and Mind by Morning Meditation

morning meditation getting energy positive iveals

Energy of life flows through the body at all times. When this energy of life is in tune, it aligns the mind, body and soul to work in sync & harmony. Unfortunately, many people do not know how to efficiently & effectively align these three elements which leads to energy leaks in your state of being.

Unconscious thoughts of yours can dictate that how much energy of life you spend throughout the day. So, positive thoughts are usually hard to resist, your energy can stay connected well to the source of life supplying you.

No one is immune to experiencing & feel negative thoughts, stress & emotions unfortunately. It’s like a dam, every time you persist & engage in negativity & negative type of emotions, you’re building the barrier blocks to stop your life force from flowing freely.

Research have shown that cognitive behavioral therapy based on mindfulness is most effective in reducing stress, anger & aggression. By doing morning meditation, you can channel your energies of life towards a healthy balance between mind & body which will bring substantial change in lifestyle.

Removing the Obstacles for Morning Meditation

Removing the Obstacles for morning meditation

Many people say that they don’t have time for morning meditation which is not true. You can meditate just in 5 minutes at least. You need to commit to start small & add more time as you progress.

Also, may people say that they can’t sit still. So, do morning meditation your way. Some people may don’t like sitting, but they may enjoy walking meditations. You can try a 10-minute meditation of walking & pay attention to the body, the wind on your skin, your breath & everything you can see & hear.

Some people say that their mind never stops. So, it is normal to have feeling of frustration when you start to learn meditate. You may think that there are other lot of things that you can do instead of morning meditating.

All answers are in mind: you need to shift your expectations from thinking to being.

Benefits of Morning Meditations with Guidance (and Examples)

Morning meditation has many amazing benefits for physical & mental health.

  1. Focuses and stills on Your Mind

focus of mind

When was the last time you checked & have zero thoughts floating in your head? Morning Meditation declutters your mind. Also, it helps you let go of traumas of past. It allows you to collect your thoughts in a secure space.

When you become more conscious with time, you will be more able to act to the circumstances in your life rather than react. You can move forward with good intentions & focus on solutions of the problem.

Enjoy moments of deep relaxation, peace & silence after a session of morning meditation regularly for a good positive start.

  1. Reduce Anxiety and Depression

Reducing Stress and Anxiety benefits of meditation iveals

Morning meditation can improve mindfulness. Also, helps to reduce negative feelings like depression & anxiety.

Regular practice of morning meditation can help you get used to with your higher self like your soul. Moreover, morning meditation allows you to sit & detach peacefully on your thoughts. You will also find it easier through awareness of conscious to rationalize & reflect any limiting beliefs.

  1. Lowers Your Blood Pressure & Heart Rate

Lowers Blood Pressure

Morning Meditation has been shown to decrease the effects & impacts of the sympathetic nervous system which is commonly referred to as the flight or fight response that goes on overdrive when you are stressed. Your blood pressure & heart rate will drop as your blood vessels open up when you are relaxed.

  1. Help Influence & Create Desired Future

getting Desired Future by morning meditation

Guided morning meditation will often require to use mental imagery positively for visualization. As you become capable increasingly of visualizing and feeling more positive emotions in the process of morning meditation, this will attract & influence more positive circumstances of future in your life.

  1. Improve Quality of Sleep

Improve Sleep

Meditation looks to get into the deeper brain waves to instill a state & feeling of deep relaxation. The more you feel relaxed and feel stiller in your mind, it’s easier to fall & remain asleep.

Why it is important for morning meditations? As you practice regularly, you may to sleep less to wake up early & feel recharged. Living with this kind of ease will help your body conserve its energy and work efficiently. If you want & need to get Sleep Meditation, read our Sleep Meditation Guide.

  1. More Happiness

get more happiness

Practicing mindfulness through regular morning meditation allows you to live in the current moment and see the good rather than cluttering your mind with negative thoughts.

  1. Foster Spiritual Growth

morning meditation get Spiritual Growth

Spirituality is actually all about connecting to the source of creation of life and it doesn’t matter if you’re religious or not. Regular guided morning meditation sessions can deepen your connection with spiritual aspect of you, grounding yourself with the world and people around you.

Top Guided Morning Meditations

Now you know that regular morning meditation can help to effectively increase motivation and energy. So, here are the top guided morning meditations that you can try.

  1. Sun Salutation with Morning Meditation

Sun Salutation Morning Meditation

A Sun Salutation actually is a sequence & steps of strategic poses of yoga. Main focus of it is placed on mindfully moving with the breath control and through the yoga postures. If done mindfully, one can enter a flow-like state while doing a Sun Salutation.

  • First, take a deep inhaling breath and get your arms up over your head. Then, exhale and fold forward & leave a little bend in your knees.
  • Straighten your spine on next inhale while placing your hands on thighs. Melt down & exhale into a forward fold one more time.
  • Put your hands on the mat and place your feet into a pose of plank. Go down from straight legs or bent your knees with your triceps just by grazing rib cage. Your whole body will get flat on your mat.
  • Keep your hands on the ground as you inhale. Lift your neck, head, and chest off the mat. Press back & exhale into downward direction.
  • Walk your feet back towards the top of the mat on the next inhale, and hang in a forward fold. Let the head & neck come up last & roll your body up. You can finish your morning meditation here or flow through these steps once more.

If yoga is new for you then practice morning meditation alongside a trained instructor. Also, you can get a yoga video that can walk you through the correct steps to ensure you do not harm or injure yourself while practicing. Allow yourself to be guided for morning meditation so you can focus on the breath as you move from one step or pose to the next.

  1. Morning Walk Meditation

iveals Morning Walk health & fitness iveals

Morning walk meditation combines mindfulness & movement. It is similar to outdoor exercise. Also, it can help to increase serotonin & increase endorphins for boosting energy and make a positive mood.

  • Walk mindfully & slowly.
  • Start to inhale slowly through your nose and count the steps you take. After that, slowly exhale and again count your steps. Keep counting your steps as you walk & with each breath.
  • Try to keep pace while focusing on your body & breath.

Try to avoid busy places with lots of traffic & people to reduce distraction. A walking path with extra open space is perfect. Once you finished the walk, you can bring your attention to mindfully breathe in and out & sights around you as you return slowly to a normal pace.

  1. Morning Shower Meditation with Mindfulness

Morning Shower meditation

If you shower regularly in the morning, then you can easily include mindfulness into your daily routine. Also, it is good to remove any type of distractions when you shower. Moreover, you can play gentle & instrumental type of music in the background.

When you start, focus on the water sensation running over the crown of your head and towards your whole body. Just imagine that the water is cleansing your stress, worry & tension from the mind & body.

  • Pay attention to your five senses. Also, this can aid in to decrease anxiety & stress. It can improve long-term focus & energy. Notice & feel the temperature of the air & water.
  • Smell the different type of shampoo & soaps as you wash.
  • If you somehow get distracted, come back again to one of your senses.

This morning shower meditation will not take any extra time from your routine. It is just a way to include awareness of present-moment into daily routine.

  1. Breath Morning Meditation

Breath Meditation iveals

Breathing deep is another way to increase levels of attention & energy.

  • Start by inhaling with the nose. Contract the diaphragm with a forceful exhale, as you breathe out from nose.
  • Inhale and expand the belly, then exhale and contract the belly.
  • Aim for breath cycles to 3 a second. Also, do not practice it for more than 15 seconds. Take a break while doing it. You can add 5 seconds as you make progress, work your way up to 60 seconds of practice.

If you experience any harmful or negative side effects, then discontinue practicing and return to your normal breathing.

  1. Mantra Meditation in the Morning

Mantra Meditation morning

Research shows that meditation based on mantra can lower anxiety levels significantly. You can set a timer on phone to manage time of practice.

Once you finished the mantra meditation & feel relaxed, take a few minutes to sit in silence & observe any new sensations or thoughts that arise in your mind.

Tips for Morning Meditation

Tips for Morning Meditation gudie iveals

If morning meditation is new for you or you are getting back into meditation, start meditation with 5 to 10 minutes and increase the time as you go along.

Before starting, you can set an intention. Also, start your morning meditation without attachment to any type of outcome.

The best time for this practice is early in the morning so that you can set yourself up for a peaceful & special start to your day. Below steps are important to start your morning meditation:

  • Select a noise-free & distraction-free room and make it cozy. Play relaxing music in the background & diffuse some essential oils.
  • Select a regular time. Daily morning meditation must be a priority. So, set yourself an appointment & practice at this meditation on the same time every day.
  • Clothes should be comfortable for this meditation.
  • For time management, set a timer.
  • Start your morning meditation session with 5 to 7 long minutes and with slow deep breaths to release anxiety & tension.
  • Keep your focus on mind. Focus could be on your breathing, an object, or on repeating a mantra.
  • There can be thoughts and you can experience some sensations in the body. Also, you might hear some sort of sound in the environment. It’s a normal thing. Whenever you feel something like that, just bring yourself back to the morning meditation activity.

Final Thoughts about Morning Meditation

Morning meditation can benefit anyone and it is not for just yoga practitioners. It can relax the mind and increase the positive energy inside you. The time, concentration and effort for it might seem intimidating at the start, but regular morning meditation will bring many benefits.

Try morning meditation with guidance and take the tips to your morning meditation routine. Just keep going with morning meditation even if you feel disheartened. the results of morning meditation only come with regular practice like the physical type of exercise. Enjoy your time with meditation & in no time, you’ll be glad that you started.

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