Top Apps for Freelancing and writers iveals ios android

Top Apps for Freelancing and Writers – Android & iOS

Now you can do your freelance and writing business from your Android or iOS phone. This article by iveals will help you to find top apps for Freelancing and writers on Android & iOS. With these apps for freelancing & writing, you can do your work easily on mobile.

Let’s get into the details of these useful apps for Freelancing.

Trello for Android / iOS-Apps for Freelancing & Writers

Trello Apps for Freelancing & Writers

This is a very unique and interesting app for project management. Also, you can use this to manage your Freelancing & writing work along with managing your other personal documents.

Also, you can make different types of boards in this app for each of your projects. Every task in this freelancing app can have different types of lists. Any type of card is available for each task to manage your easily. Also, you can invite others for big projects. You can share all the progress easily with your clients.

This App for Freelancing and Writers and for task management is free of cost. However, you may need a subscription if you want more boards. The good news is that free boards are enough for easy working. So, you can easily manage Ten projects in one go.

Grammarly for Android / iOS

Grammarly writing apps for freelancing writing jobs iveals

Grammarly is the best tool for Writers and Freelancers. As a professional, you can make little to no mistakes in your writing work. So, before submitting your work, you have to proofread the documents. Now the work of Grammarly starts here.

This app for freelancing and writers works great on any device. This app highlights and corrects your mistakes while you typing and you don’t have to worry about correction. This application for proofreading is free. It has some advanced features and they need a subscription to use them. So, it is a must-have app for writers and freelancers.

Evernote for Android / iOS


This is one of the top apps for Freelancing and Writers. You can easily take notes with it. Even you can take notes by voice if you don’t want to type. It is compatible with many platforms and devices.

A free version is available for beginners which is quite sufficient but you need a subscription for advanced tools.


Upwork for Android / iOS

Upwork Apps for freelancing iveals online jobs

If you are a freelancer or writer, you must have heard about Upwork. However, many users may not like it. But, it’s quite a big platform for freelancing and writing jobs especially if you are new to this field.

With its app, you can always be available to your clients and you can communicate with them in a better way.

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Fiverr for Android / iOS

#Fiver online writing jobs for writers iveals

Fiverr is also a big platform for Freelancing and Writers. You can do many online jobs on it. It is very simple to use. Just make a profile, pass a writing test and you are good to go. You can easily and safely communicate with your clients on this freelancing app.

Slack for Android / iOS-Apps for Freelancing & Writers

Big companies or organizations use their workspace on Slack and they may invite you on it if you work with them. Also, it is a simple & quick platform / app to engage with other clients & co-workers without using any other formal methods like emails / messages.

So, it is a great application and it is compatible with Android and iOS. Also, you can customize its settings easily. In this top app for Freelancing, you will not get any notifications outside working hours.


So, these are some of the top Apps for freelancing and writers by the iveals. Each & every app has its unique features & way of working. They may seem difficult at the start but eventually, you will get used to them.

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